Thursday, August 10, 2006

03. the clock

"Later... with Jools Holland" | November 2006

"The Henry Rollins Show" | 15 July 2006
time is running out for us
but you just move the hands upon the clock

you throw coins in a wishing well
wake up
you just move your hands upon the clock

it comes to you begging you to stop
wake up
but you just move your hands upon the clock

throw coins in a wishing well
for us
make believe that you are still in charge

from the mercy .pdf file in
Real Politik
other guitar lines.. processed and sampled as pads to play..additional guitar riffs
festival in the desert

It comes to you naked and afraid
for mercy
and begs you for bread for shelter and a bed

it begs to be brought out of the cold
for mercy
it begs to warm its blue limbs by your fire


it comes to you begging you to stop
for mercy
but you dont have the love inside you to forgive

you call up a witchhunt/lynchmob instead
no mercy
a fire breathing dragon of local hypocrits


you bomb the weak and the infants/infirm
in the name of god. no mercy.

you reach for you cross instead
and bible
a firebreathing witchhunt of local hypocrits

so quick to judge both the living and the dead

scatter bomb


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